How to show our Love for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


Love the Prophet ﷺ More Than You Love Yourself

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,

“None of you have truly believed until I am more beloved to him than his father, his son, and all of humankind.”

Our faith is not complete without loving the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ more than anyone else. There is wisdom lies in why we shows how important he is in our lives and how committed we are to following his guidance.

In seeking goodness in this world and the Hereafter, we need to understand that we can only achieve it through the Prophet ﷺ. His teachings light the way to true faith, helping us avoid Allah’s punishment and receive His mercy. Through the Prophet, Allah leads people from darkness into light, and there is no other way to connect with Him.


Read & Reflect On His Noble Sirah

Learning and studying about the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ not only leads to loving him but is also a sign of that love. It is a powerful way to nurture our affection for him and a vital source for strengthening our faith.

By studying his Sirah, we not only learn about his journey in spreading Islam, the immense struggles he faced, and the unwavering patience he showed but also gain a deeper understanding of the context behind the revelations of the Quran, allowing us to connect with it in a more meaningful way.

The Sirah itself is a miracle, as Imam Ibn Hazm said, “If the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had not been given any miracle other than his Seerah, it would have been sufficient to prove that he is the Prophet of Allah.” Through this, we not only see proofs of his prophethood but also find valuable guidance for how we live our own lives.


Send Plentiful of Selawat Upon Him ﷺ

Imagine being deeply in love with someone. You would naturally yearn to be as close to them as possible, always seeking their presence. For those of us who cherish the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, even though we cannot physically be near him, we have a beautiful means to bridge that gap.

The Prophet ﷺ beautifully conveyed this connection when he said,

“The closest of people to me on the Day of Resurrection are those who sent the most blessings upon me.”

What makes it even more extraordinary is that our selawat is reciprocal, as the Prophet ﷺ himself returns our greetings. He said,

‘None of you who send me their peace (salam), except that Allah returns my soul, and I return his greeting of peace’
(Abu Daud, 2041).”


Obey & Act Upon His Sunnah

Allah s.w.t says in the Quran, “Say [O Muhammad], ‘If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful'”
(Quran 3:31).

Obeying the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ holds a significance that is as important as obeying Allah s.w.t Himself. To truly love Allah, we are called to follow the Prophet’s guidance in every aspect of our lives. Prophet ﷺ himself said,

“Whoever actively observes my Sunnah, then he has loved me. And whoever loves me shall be with me in Paradise”

Let us ask ourselves: Are we actively embodying the Sunnah in our daily lives? Following the path of the Prophet ﷺ is our way to earn the love of Allah and a place in Paradise. Let’s strive to bring the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ into our actions, words, and hearts.


Take Him as the Perfect Role Model

Allah s.w.t says in the Quran,

“Certainly, there is for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example to follow”
(Al-Ahzab, 21)

In a world where influencers and celebrities often shape people’s values and choices, taking Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the ultimate role model is more crucial than ever.

His life provides timeless guidance, showcasing a character and compassion that are unmatched, teaching us how to be good human beings in the service of humanity and ultimately, in the eyes of God. No fleeting trend or worldly figure can compare to the impact of following the one who was sent as a mercy to all creation.

When we adopt his his exemplary akhlak (character), his humility, his devotion, and patience, we elevate not just ourselves but those around us.


“Convey from me, even a single verse..”

This hadith reminds us of the importance of sharing the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It encourages us to spread the knowledge we gain, no matter how small, as a way to show our love for him ﷺ. Sharing even a little bit of what we learn can make a big difference!

Acquiring knowledge is essential for worshiping Allah in the right way and for conveying His message to others effectively. However, before we share His sayings or hadith, it is wise to ensure their authenticity. We want to avoid any accidental misinformation, especially when attributing something to our beloved Prophet ﷺ. A little caution goes a long way!


The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in these articles are strictly those of the authors. Furthermore, Al-Falah Mosque does not endorse any of the personal views of the authors on any platform. Our team is diverse on all fronts, allowing for constant, enriching dialogue that helps us produce high-quality content.

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