Things about Surah Al-Ikhlas to appreciate


Why is it called Surah Al-Ikhlas?

Interestingly, this very short Surah has a name that does not have the word of its name “Ikhlas” itself in it. So why is it called Surah Al-Ikhlas?

Scholars have discussed on its name and the reason why it is named Surah “Al-Ikhlas” is because it is dedicated to Allah Alone about His unique attributes, that are not similar to Man or His creations.

The word “Ikhlas” literally means “purity” and this Surah, very eloquently and succinctly conveys the Oneness of Allah, the basis of the Islamic faith in the purest, in the most excellent manner.


He is the One you should seek refuge in

Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Ikhlas verse 2:

ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ

Allah—the Sustainer needed by all.

The word “As-Somad” encompasses many aspects, all in which come to manifest: authority, perfection and being heavily relied upon.

Human beings are also relied upon and we seek refuge and help from people who we think can protect us, yet there is no greater protection than that of Allah SWT, and this trait “As-Somad” tells us that we are in dire need of Him in all of our affairs. Simply said, we cannot do without Allah SWT. We need Him so much, but have we truly put our trust in Him or truly sought His help?


He was not born nor does He have children

During the time of the Prophet SAW, and what came before, people of the Jahiliyyah used to say and believe myths like “The Angels were the children of God” or that pious men were the sons of God.

The Powerful Surah Al-Ikhlas was sent to dispel these misconceptions and call people to know and remember that Allah SWT is unlike His Creations, in which He is not born into this world nor does he bear children.

In a separate verse, Allah SWT reminds the people with something similar:

أَلَآ إِنَّهُم مِّن إِفكِهِم لَيَقُولُونَ * وَلَدَ ٱللَّهُ وَإِنَّهُم لَكَٰذِبُونَ

Indeed, it is one of their outrageous fabrications to say, * “Allah has children.” They are simply liars
(Surah As-Saffat Verse 151 – 152)


Short Surah, but do not ever underestimate it.

In a number of Prophetic narrations, it is mentioned that reading Surah Al-Ikhlas is so powerful that it accounts to a third of the Qur’an.

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to his Companions: Could any one of you not recite one third of the Quran in one night? They found the idea too difficult, and said, Who among us could do that, O Messenger of Allah? He said, Allahul-ahad, al- samad [i.e., Surat al-Ikhlas] is one third of the Quran.

Easily read Surah Al-Ikhlas daily, and find the immense rewards in it!


Want to go to Heaven? Read Surah Al-Ikhlas.

Find inspiration from the saying of the Prophet on reciting Surah Al-Ikhas, with sincere intentions for Allah SWT.

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard a man reciting Qul huwa Allahu ahad, and said, It is his right. They asked, O Messenger of Allah, what is his right? He said, Paradise is his right.

Additionally, if one has the means to, a reciter should recite this beautiful Surah while understanding its meanings to truly love and appreciate it.


Read it before travelling into the world of sleep & slumber.

It was part of the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW to read Surah Al-Ikhlas before going to bed.

`Aishah reported that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went to bed, he would cup his hands together, blow into them and recite into them Qul huwa Allahu ahad [Surat al-Ikhlas], Qul a’udhu bi Rabbil-falaq [Surat al-Falaq] and Qul a’udhu bi Rabbil-nas [Surat al-Nas] (these are the last 3 surahs of the Quran). 

Then he would wipe as much of his body as he could with his hands, starting with his head and face, and the front of his body. He would do this three times.


The story of the Imam who loved to recite Surah Al-Ikhlas

Find inspiration from the story of the man who received Allah’s rewards because he loved to recite Surah Al-Ikhlas in his prayers. Narrated Anas Bin Malik:

“There was a man from the Ansar who led them (in prayer) at Masjid Quba. Every time he was to recite a Surah for them during prayer, he would begin by reciting Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad until he finished, then he would recite another Surah with it. He did that in each Rak’ah.

His companions talked to him and said: ‘You recite this Surah. You should either recite it or leave it and recite another Surah.'” He said: “I shall not leave it, if you would like me to lead you with it then I shall do so, and if you do not like it then I shall leave you.” And they considered him the best among them, and they did not like the idea of someone else leading them.

So when the Prophet (PBUH) came to them they informed him about what had happened and he (PBUH) said: “O so-and-so! What prevents you from doing what your companions told you to do, why do recite this Surah in every Rak’ah” He said: “O Messenger of Allah! Indeed I love it.” So the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Your love for it shall have you admitted into Paradise.”


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